It’s lost on me

woman wears black leather zip up jacket

Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya on

Mysteries of life. Mysteries in life. Whatever, just mysteries.

In my years of life I have many things that cause me to pause and wonder. There are just some things I just don’t understand and I guess I probably never will. Why do people do the things they do?

Today’s mystery? Why do women color their hair a color that isn’t a hair color?

Maybe it’s because I’m “a dumb boy.” Maybe I really can blame it on my maleness. Or, could it be that women are just incomprehensible? There is no way to figure out women so why bother? Maybe it’s a combination of both. I don’t really know. But what I do know is that I am seeing more and more women color their hair in NOT natural hair colors and I wonder why.

Example: I saw a picture on Instagram of a former student who is now in her late 20s who is the mom to several children and she just dyed her hair a bright pink color. I am not talking highlights. I am talking flat out, all the way, bright pink – there is no hiding it pink. She says, “It makes her feel more like herself.” What does that mean??

I have never understood why people feel the need to dye their hair a color that isn’t natural. Is it for attention? It is to be unique? Is it to stand out in a crowd? I understand that some people would want to hide the gray or maybe want to have highlights or even just want to try a different natural color. But, to do something that is just so radical, well, it just doesn’t compute.

So, what makes a woman feel the need to make such a change?

Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. Curt Gilman · March 20, 2019

    Back in the early 2000s, while traveling around Europe, there appeared to be a disproportionate number of young blonde German women who were dyeing their hair red. And I’m not talking about auburn red or strawberry, but bright, fire engine, circus clown red. I never understood it, but then I was neither female nor German.


    • backuphill · March 20, 2019

      Now that is weird! I am sure it is a fruitless question, or that there really is no answer, but what is going on inside the feminine mind? I think this qualifies for an episode of “Unsolved Mysteries” with Robert Stack.


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