Hacking and snorting

man old depressed headache

Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pexels.com

These are not two things that will win you friends, either in a crowd of strangers or at work.

I have now been dealing with a cold/flu for a week now. The fever and aches didn’t last long at all, but the congestion is hanging on like a baby opossum hangs onto it’s mom.

I think I have hacked up about 2.5 gallons of something from my lungs and snorted or blown about 6.7 gallons of snot from my sinuses. Pretty picture, I know.

Supposedly I am getting better. That’s my unprofessional opinion because I haven’t seen a professional.

Here’s to another dose of cold meds and being that annoying co-worker hacking and snorting in the corner of the office…

Work Email Syndrome

email blocks on gray surface

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán on Pexels.com

I bet after describing this you’ll know you have it too. It should be a real affliction, if it isn’t already. I don’t know. I didn’t look. All I know is that I have it.

I don’t know about your place of employment, but mine uses all sorts of forms of communication. Skype, Zoom, Outlook, video chat, messenger, paper, notes, etc etc. But one thing that I really dislike is going back to work…wait, I almost stopped there. Because, I mean, really, who likes going to work?

But I digress. Anyway, going back to work because of all the email that has filled up my inbox. I mean really!! Do we need to send this much email in ONE DAY? I don’t like being sick because I get back to work and have 300 emails to wade through. It takes me days to catch up!

So, I fear going back to work simply because of email. That’s a syndrome, right? It has to be. I probably need a counselor for this. Maybe I need a doctor’s note to take more time off. Maybe I’ll sue my managers and the company for emotional distress related to email. It’s overwhelming.

I think I better start a support group.

“Hi, my name is _______________ and I suffer from WES.”

Hmmm, why don’t I feel better yet? Oh wait, because I have to work and have 314 emails to go through. DANG IT! If I close my eyes and wait a few seconds, will they be gone?