RSVP means nothing

advertisement businessman hands handwriting

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Yep, I said it.

You used to be able to expect some courtesy out of people when planning something like a party or gathering or whatever. Because, after all, you are planning something you want an RSVP for.

Common courtesy has become something of a lost…concept…these days. In a world where “Hey you do you and I’ll do me” seems to fly but no one is really good at doing anything anymore. Everyone is just half-assing their way through life.

OK, to be fair. not everyone. There are still some responsible adults out there. I don’t want to over generalize, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, if you get a request for an RSVP – DO IT! Otherwise it wouldn’t have been asked for.

Just do it. (stupid Nike…)

“Hi, I’d like to RSVP for ______________”

It’s just the right thing to do.


Such a sap

shallow focus photography of brown tree trunk

Photo by Mahima on

Cars are parked in the driveway.

Pine cones, pine needles, leaves, bird droppings, dirt, pollen are all landing on the cars.

The most frustrating part is that isn’t all. Those trees near the driveway, not next to it or over it, NEAR it…somehow they manage to also drop sap on the cars.

Sap! That sticky stuff doesn’t just wash off. No, that would make it easy. That stuff requires extra elbow grease and some of that “Goof Off” liquid cleaner. It’s a little easier when it is on the windshield, but not so much when it is on paint (or on the roof, which is hard to reach for a short guy like me).

Oh, and don’t get me started about not seeing the sap before using the windshield wipers. Hey, let’s smear that crappy sap all over the windshield and make sure it sticks to the  wipers too.

It would be nice if the garage could be used as such. Not gonna happen.


Moving and grooving

brown and black crater

Photo by Pixabay on

It’s that time of year again folks. What time you ask, there are lots of those “that time of the year”s you could be referring to? After a winter like this last one, I am sure you are familiar with following description.

You’re like a race car on the track before the race. You are getting your motor warmed up and you weave back and forth quickly, getting the tires warm too. You haven’t seen the green flag to start the race yet, but you are hoping eventually to get one and all these people will get left in the dust as you speed away.

Ok, so hopefully that painted a relatively vivid picture for you. Now, imagine you are that car, weaving back and forth…

…around potholes.

After a winter like the last one, the dang roadway is filled with potholes. I swear I have to weave back and forth like that race car sometimes. It’s ridiculous that you have to weave so much while doing 75mph on the highway. The roads up here in the NW are full of potholes.

My car is in gonna crack an axle or for certain I am gonna need an alignment after this spring driving.

What out for those potholes, folks! There are a few that might even swallow a small car.

How are the roads looking in your neck of the woods? I guess this is really for the readers in the northern states, since the southern states just don’t have the severe winter weather like the north.

Time for a face palm

Head in Hands

As if the nation didn’t hear a collective groan from pundits, media personalities, celebrities, and just Democrats in general upon the submission and conclusion of the Mueller Report.

A large segment of the population has waited with bated breath for a conclusion of collusion. What they got instead was their “worst nightmare”? Not sure how the public can openly root and cheer for the demise of a sitting president, but that’s what has been happening.

A whole host of people have waited so impatiently to get dirt on the president so they can kick him out of office. They despise him so much they are willing to perpetuate lies (yes, we know he lies too) and spin information with no reliable source. They have undermined their own democracy for an agenda they can’t justify.

No one deserves a bigger face palm than those who have waited and waited only to find their hopes and dreams dashed with the truth. The problem is, the truth isn’t what they wanted in the first places to the immediately parse, spin, and suggest more conspiracy theories. The hate and vitriol has been astonishing, and quite frankly embarrassing.

I am glad this is over but come on people, it’s time to move on and do the work of the people! The media needs to stop commentating and editorializing everything they “report” and be more transparent about their sources so that information can be vetted and verified.

I am a Trump voter but not necessarily a supporter. I voted the way I did because he was/is better than the alternative, sad but true. I am not happy with all he does and says, but I am happy with some. Did I wonder if the collusion was true? Sure. Did I hope it wasn’t? Yes. Do I want him to be success? Heck yes! I don’t want any president to fail.

So, for those of you out there having to eat a whole flock of crows – get to it and be honest about it!

If you deserve a face palm, I have a palm available if you need it. I would be happy to help you out.

In the meantime, I will continue to do my own face palm as you act like children because you didn’t get what you wanted. You aren’t that three-year old in the cereal aisle at the supermarket, so stop acting like it.

Little dog, little dog


Oh, little dog, little dog…

You are a tricky one you little dog. You are a little thief, little dog.

You steal my spot on the couch. You steal my pillow on the bed.

You sit at my feet and wait to steal (ok, willingly given up because you’re cute) pieces of my food.

You, little dog, steal cuddles in the middle of the day and make me pause in the rush as if to say, “Slow down. It will be OK. Take a moment and love me.”

Yes, little dog, you have stolen my heart, which is actually quite remarkable considering three years ago I DID NOT want you to be in my house, much less my life. But, you have been good for everyone.

Do I like that you steal my pillow at night? NO. Do I like that you drool all over it the moment I get out of bed and you curl up on it? No. Do I like that you often displace my butt from the couch the moment I get up to get a drink? No. I don’t like sitting in places that are not comfortable and unfamiliar.

But, little dog, oh little dog…keep it up.

**There may have been too much love and only a little Piss & Moan in this post. I apologize and will try to get back to the regularly schedule loathing tomorrow.**


Sure, let’s meet again

flat view photography of four persons sitting facing laptop on desk

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Another morning meeting.

That’s three this week. That’s three to start the day followed by another 19 during the week. Ugh.

I swear, if someone else plans a meeting for today after I have to go to this one, I am going to punch myself in the mouth so I don’t have to go.

Come on, people! It’s Friday. Sheesh! Slow down and ease into the weekend…

#$%& meetings! Just leave me alone today.

Reverse lights

monopoly car piece

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

There are lots of things that are extremely irritating in life. This blog is kind of dedicated to finding and expressing our frustration with such things. I can across one the other day that just about had me come unhinged – temper went from 0-83 in less than 1.4 seconds.

You see them in parking lots all the time but maybe you don’t give them much thought.

Reverse lights.

Those white lights on the back of vehicles that are your signal that said vehicle is about to begin backing up. Great idea, those lights.

But, what isn’t a great idea is that someone who has put the vehicle in reverse, thus turning the lights on, can also IMMEDIATELY begin backing up without any regard to what may be behind them.

I am sure this is no secret since nearly anyone who has ever driven a car has probably experience this in a parking lot at some point in their past. What is most frustrating is that it seems to be happening more and more. I can’t explain it, but I sure want to punch people when it happens. To be fair, I am not really a violent person but there are some things that really get my blood boiling, and this is one of them.

I have nearly been hit while driving a car and while walking. It’s happened in parking lots. It’s happened on the road as someone backs out of a driveway. It’s happened during broad daylight and it has happened at night. Good thing I am aware of my surroundings!

Anyway, I propose there be a 10 second waiting period , a delay if you will, on Reverse. The car goes into reverse, the lights come one, and you have to wait 10 seconds before the car will move. That should force someone to have a look around (I hope). Oh, and while we’re at it, how about a sensor in the seat that can read the body language or tell if someone looked out the back window before the car will move? Yeah, now we’re on to something.

OK, let me know in the comments if you have experienced this? Were you able to avoid the collision or were you one of the unlucky, wrong place at the wrong time kind of people?


It’s lost on me

woman wears black leather zip up jacket

Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya on

Mysteries of life. Mysteries in life. Whatever, just mysteries.

In my years of life I have many things that cause me to pause and wonder. There are just some things I just don’t understand and I guess I probably never will. Why do people do the things they do?

Today’s mystery? Why do women color their hair a color that isn’t a hair color?

Maybe it’s because I’m “a dumb boy.” Maybe I really can blame it on my maleness. Or, could it be that women are just incomprehensible? There is no way to figure out women so why bother? Maybe it’s a combination of both. I don’t really know. But what I do know is that I am seeing more and more women color their hair in NOT natural hair colors and I wonder why.

Example: I saw a picture on Instagram of a former student who is now in her late 20s who is the mom to several children and she just dyed her hair a bright pink color. I am not talking highlights. I am talking flat out, all the way, bright pink – there is no hiding it pink. She says, “It makes her feel more like herself.” What does that mean??

I have never understood why people feel the need to dye their hair a color that isn’t natural. Is it for attention? It is to be unique? Is it to stand out in a crowd? I understand that some people would want to hide the gray or maybe want to have highlights or even just want to try a different natural color. But, to do something that is just so radical, well, it just doesn’t compute.

So, what makes a woman feel the need to make such a change?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Isn’t worth the trouble

orange lemon fruit vitamins

Photo by Pixabay on

Some things in life just aren’t worth it. Surprisingly, there are actually some foods that just aren’t worth it, which is weird to say because I am kind of a professional eater – I’ve been doing it since I was little.

One food that is a real pain in the rear to eat is an orange. I’ve known this for a long time but I thought I would give it another try. I mean, they’re sweet and they’re juicy so that makes them really tempting. But, I tell you, as soon as I started peeling the dang thing I instantly regretted starting. Now it’s leaking juice all over my hands and I’m getting stick and my hands are wet and the peel is just not coming off easily…Oh, I prevailed and ate the dang thing, but I had to have a co-worker lock my computer so I could go wash up after seemingly taking a bath in orange juice. Then it hit me – the peel on an orange just doesn’t make trying to enjoy the fruit enjoyable. So, CONFIRMED, an orange isn’t worth the trouble.

Another food that isn’t worth the trouble? Crab. Good grief you need a damn tool to even access the minuscule amount of meat housed inside that ocean floor scrounger. I don’t even really like crab (it eats garbage off the ocean floor) so the work required for minimal reward just isn’t worth the trouble. I think you can probably put lobster and shrimp in the same category. CONFIRMED.

If you have to work to eat it, it just isn’t worth it. Plain and simple.

What do you think? Are there any other foods that just aren’t worth the trouble because they require too much work before you get to enjoy it?


Blink of an eye

lioness lying on brown tree trunk

Photo by Pixabay on

It was nice here in the Pacific Northwest this weekend. It got up into the 60s and there were lots of people out without coats and washing their cars. I happen to have been one of them!

When the weather turns nice (and yes, in the NW 60s is nice) it is time to get out and work in the yard, getting ready for Spring. So, the weekend was a weekend to get off the couch and cast away the sluggish attitude to “get ‘r done!”

Well, I got her done. And I am paying for it this morning. All that activity made this old guy stiff and tired.

You know that feeling when your tired and you just want to stay in bed? Yeah, I got that this morning, but really the issue here today is that time that goes by in the blink of an eye.

Literally, as I was driving to work this morning, I think I could count the seconds go by with each blink of the eye. There was literally time in each blink to think, “It feels good to close my eyes. Wait, I’m driving, open back up.” Then the next blink comes, “Why did I get out of bed? Do I really have to do this?” The next blink, “It would be nice to just leave them closed. Why are they so heavy? Open, open, open…” And so on…It was a really long drive to work this morning.

Anyway, here’s to a slow-brained, slow-blinking kind of day…oh Monday…